Our Beliefs

The following is a brief explanation of our beliefs. Click to view each element.


The Bible, consisting of 66 books of canonized scripture, in its original language is the Holy, inspired, infallible Word of God. Every word is God-breathed (inspired) [2 Tim. 3:16].


God is One, but Triune, eternally existing in three Divine, individual yet indivisible, Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. There is only ONE God not three gods, and not one person who took three modes, offices, or forms. (Isa. 44:6,845:5Gen. 1:26-273:22Matt. 3:1728:19Luke 9:352 Cor. 13:14). Such is “the mystery” of the Godhead (1 Tim. 3:16). God is the one and only Sovereign Ruler over all the universe.(Note: Our doctrine concerning the Godhead is Trinitarian, as opposed to the modalistic or unitarian view held by “Oneness” or “Jesus-Only” Pentecostals. Although we seek and promote unity with ALL believers in Christ, make no apologies, refuse to debate this controversial matter, and reject all divisiveness, we believe it does matter who we believe God is — i.e., three “manifestations,” “modalities,” “personalities,” or “persons” — and our desire is to be those “true worshipers” Jesus spoke of who worship God in Spirit and Truth. The primary reason this distinction is mentioned here, is in the interest of reducing the incidence of “misunderstanding” that has arisen with some who wish to relate with this ministry who presumed that because we espouse certain other Pentecostal and Charismatic beliefs that therefore we must identify with Oneness Pentecostalism. While we strongly believe that “sound doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:62 Tim. 4:3Tit. 1:92:1) is critical we nevertheless also maintain that fellowship among believers must be founded upon the Agape-Love of God. The goal of God’s Love is acceptance and assimilation of all believers in the Body of Christ rather than the alienation and acrimony that has prevailed for so long, resulting in division instead of unity. If your personal convictions will not allow you to walk together with us in genuine fellowship of the Spirit, that is regrettable, however, just as we would not require you to compromise your convictions in order to have fellowship with us, we cannot compromise ours in order to have your approval, acceptance, and fellowship. In our view, Wisdom dictates that this is truly one topic on which it is best that we agree to disagree without being disagreeable and divisive. However, church leaders can also be assured that if they are of a different persuasion than ours on this matter, Prophet Pedro would never knowingly accept an invitation to minister at your church and allude to this matter at all during his visit, because doing so would be unethical, unless he was requested by the leadership to teach on the topic.)

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God the Father. He is God the Son. He is the Word of God who was made flesh. He voluntarily laid aside His Holy and Sovereign estate to become a human-being by means of a miraculous immaculate conception through a virgin woman named Mary. He is Lord. He is the only Savior and Redeemer of mankind, which redemption He effected through His bodily death, burial, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven and appearance before God as the true High Priest.

Fall and Redemption of Man

Through the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind, the human race, fell into utter spiritual death and corruption. All of mankind, every human, has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus Christ was manifested for the purpose of redeeming mankind and restoring mankind’s fellowship with God. This redemption, however, is individually appropriated by each person through personal faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


Through the sin of Adam and Eve, mankind, the human race, fell into utter spiritual death and corruption. All of mankind, every human, has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus Christ was manifested for the purpose of redeeming mankind and restoring mankind’s fellowship with God. This redemption, however, is individually appropriated by each person through personal faith and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Salvation, Eternal Life, New Birth, Regeneration, Justification:

All these are bestowed by God as a free gift on the basis of undeserved, unearned favor (grace), through faith, unto everyone who will receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. All who do, receive forgiveness of sins, are restored to fellowship with God, are spiritually Born Again (regenerated) by the regenerative work of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and are saved from eternal damnation. (Note: We specifically reject the notion of “Universalism” or “Universal Redemption” as being wholly false and Biblically unsupportable.)


Sanctification is a life-long, progressive work effected by the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, making him or her holy and consecrated unto God. It is a mandatory prerequisite in order to see the Lord in eternal fellowship.

Water Baptism

Baptism in water is a commandment of the Lord for every believer as a testimony and symbol of his/her identification with Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a free gift and promise of God available to all believers subsequent and adjunctive to the New Birth. The initial, but by no means only, evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a supernatural ability and unction to speak in language(s) not understood by the believer. The spirit of the believer is regenerated at the New Birth, and the entire person of the believer, spirit, soul, and body, is immersed, or baptized, in the Spirit in this transaction. [For more on this topic, please read my good friend and mentor, Dr. Lambert’s book, Dunamis! Power From On High!]

Gifts of the Spirit

The nine Gifts of the Spirit listed in First Corinthians 12:8-10 are all supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit for the common good of the intended recipients. They are distributed by the will of the Holy Spirit through believers who have been empowered by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, who may manifest them through yieldedness and obedience. [For more on this topic, please read my good friend and mentor, Dr. Lambert’s book, Dunamis! Power From On High!]

Fivefold Ministry Offices, Elders, & Deacons:

Christ Himself has bestowed upon certain men of His choosing the spiritual gifting of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, whose function is to spiritually equip, edify, develop, mature, and activate believers unto effective service, to the end that through the effectual contribution of every believer, the corporate Body of Christ will be fully edified and developed. These five offices constitute the eldership of the Church, which is to say, Fivefold Ministers are all Elders. The role and responsibility of governing the Church on Earth has been delegated by Christ, the Head of the Church, to the men He has anointed and appointed unto these Fivefold Ministry offices, i.e., Elders. Apostles and Prophets are the foundational ministries of the Church and are to be operable within the Church throughout the Church Age. Scripturally, the office of Deacon is one of servitude unto appointed eldership for practical implementation of ministry operations and functions, not an office of governance. In a nutshell, Elders govern; Deacons serve.

Divine Healing and Health:

Divine healing and health are provided in the atonement of Christ for every believer. Divine healing of human infirmities is effected through the power of God, sometimes by means of the prayer of faith, and sometimes (albeit, not necessarily) by means of the laying on of hands by believers.

The Lord's Supper:

The periodic partaking of the Lord’s Supper is a non-ritualistic, joyous and thankful commemoration of the Lord’s death by which abundant spiritual benefits were supplied unto believers, as well as a celebration of our eternal communion with Him and our fellow-believers.

Resurrection of the Just, Rapture of the Church, Return of Christ:

The Bodily return of Christ is imminent. When the Church-Bride has become fully matured and prepared for eternal marriage unto Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ shall literally return in the clouds in the atmosphere above the Earth, at which time, “the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (these events being The Resurrection of the Just and The Rapture [gathering together] of the Church).” At the conclusion of the seven-year Great Tribulation, Christ shall Bodily return to the Earth, accompanied by the Saints (true believers), to establish the literal reign and government of His Kingdom upon the Earth.

Judgment of Lost, Hell, & Eternal Retribution:

Every human who physically dies in his/her sins without accepting Christ as Savior and Lord is without any further hope of salvation, is eternally separated from God, and will be forever banished to a literal Lake of Fire, i.e., Hell, for everlasting punishment.